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Influencers Discount

Learn how you can get approval for an influence discount

If you are an influencer, who:

  • Create content related to Twitter or Black Magic
  • Have an audience of at least 100K followers (across multiple social media)

You can apply for a lifetime discount of up to 40% by following the steps below:

  1. Sign up for a free trial and use Black Magic.
  1. At the end of your free trial (14 days), send an email to with your influencer profile.
  1. In the email, please share one feedback/suggestion for the product. It can be anything (e.g., what feature you like the most, what feature you need, etc.).

Make sure to mention your Twitter handle in the email.

Please note that this does not guarantee you will get the approval for the lifetime discount.

Alternatively, you can check out our affiliate program, which can help you earn up to 25% recurrent revenue:

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