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How to use Black Magic Mobile app: Share Popup

Use Black Magic mobile app to view tweet stats and profiles

Here is how to use Black Magic mobile app to view tweet stats and profiles with the share button:

Share a Tweet

  • 1. Long-tap the share button in Twitter app.
  • 2. Tap Black Magic app icon. (scroll to the right if you don't see the Black Magic icon)

How it works: you can share a tweet link from any app to Black Magic app, and it works the same.

📹 Self-uploaded videos are not supported yet. Please use a third party video provider such as Youtube, Wistia or Vimeo.

Share a Profile

  • 1. Long-tap a profile in the Twitter app.
  • 2. Tap "Share @profile via..."
  • 3. Tap the Black Magic app icon. (scroll to the right if you don't see the Black Magic icon)

How it works: you can share a Twitter profile link from any app to the Black Magic app, and it works the same.

📹 Self-uploaded videos are not supported yet. Please use a third party video provider such as Youtube, Wistia or Vimeo.

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